AudéLor supports all companies

AudéLor advises companies in Lorient Agglomération on all matters related to their entrepreneurial project: business creation and development, strategy, innovation, installation, funding, etc.

This approach is complemented by expertise in 5 industrial sectors: Nautical & Materials; AgroMer- AgroTerre; Shipbuilding, Ship Repair & Marine Renewable Energy; Electronics & Digital; EcoActivities & Energy. A company in these sectors benefits from specialized support, for example, to analyze the project in terms of the sector and the local value chain.

Your specialized contacts by sector :

Naval - EMR - Port: Olivier Denoual & Yannig Livory
Digital - Electronics: Arnaud Rentenier & Olivier Denoual
Nautisme - Matériaux: Régis Guyon & Yannig Livory
AgroMer - AgroTerre: Cécile Vauchez
Éco-activités - Énergies: Régis Guyon & Olivier Denoual

See website


12 avenue de la Perrière, 56100 Lorient

AudéLor's services are available Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:15 and from 13:45 to 17:30.



02 97 12 06 40


Your contact


Director of Business Support and Innovation

02 97 12 06 58