We are at your service to define your needs and identify the best solution.
Looking for a plot of land? From your first contact to your final location, an expert will guide you through a rigorous process, providing you with the benefit of our regulatory and legal advisory services. He or she will seek to clarify and simplify all the steps involved. Access a dynamic map for an initial identification of available sites.
Looking for premises? Business incubators and hotels are available throughout the region. AudéLor markets the Teknica and Créa business incubators in Ploemeur's Parc Technologique de Soye. Any questions? Contact us now!
Over 70 installation projects are supported every year by our services.
12 Avenue de la Perrière, 56100 Lorient
AudéLor's services are available Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:15 and from 13:45 to 17:30.