Collective work spaces and third places

Alternative places to work and meet professionals in Pays de Lorient-Quimperlé

In our ever-changing society, shared work spaces, which are somewhere between the private and the professional realm, are gaining ground. They meet new needs for work spaces and professional meetings.

The Lorient-Quimperlé region offers 18 existing sites of this type. A further 5 are planned.

Use this dynamic map to find third places, co-working spaces, fabLabs, fourth places or co-workation spaces, as well as business incubators, accelerators, etc.

You can learn more about these places and current projects with this publication of AudéLor.

See website


12, avenue de La Perrière, 56100 Lorient

AudéLor's services are available Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:15 and from 13:45 to 17:30.



02 97 12 06 40


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